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Slick Premiere

To Those That Attended The SLICK Premiere,


Thank you for sharing this special moment with us. We've all been working very hard for the past six months for this moment to arrive, but it was definitely worth seeing SLICK on the big screen.


I would also like to thank all of our friends from FPS UCLA & UCR, The UCLA Student Committee for the Arts, CEC, CAC, ORL, PFC, PAD, OCHC, ResTV, UCLA Radio, HOOLIGAN Theater, and others for helping us set up this event and coming together to share this special moment with the cast and crew. It felt like a big happy family gathering!


Last but not least, many thanks to the cast and crew. I know it wasn't easy shooting under terrible conditions, but it really meant a lot to see so many dedicated filmmakers and actors working together to make this happen.


With your continuous support, I am confident that this film will be a success when we hold our next show at UC Riverside this Thursday.


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