A Letter to the Past

If I had the chance to go back to any moment in time, it would be twenty years from now... when you moved from Korea to start your new life in the states. By this time, you would be eight years old.
I know things seem very scary and you might be feeling uncertain of what life may have in store for you, but I would tell you to always maintain your upbeat and positive spirit.
Because one day, you will meet someone that will you love unconditionally. And in case you're wondering, he is going to pull you and your mom out of this horrible situation.
I would encourage you take a chance on him, but I must warn you... he's not perfect. Actually, he's the complete opposite.
You will have your work cut out for you. He will be difficult to understand and sometimes you might not get him at all. This is not your fault.
Whenever he's seems distant, not quite there, or physically absent... please do not mistake this for neglect. I want you to know that he is constantly in the process of growing and maturing.
For all of your patience and resolve, he wants you to know that you are his muse and his inspiration for being a better man.
I wish I could be there right now to make things better for you, but going through this incredibly difficult journey will make you a stronger person in the long run.
In the meantime, continue to keep your friends, your mom, and your sister close to you. They are incredible people that I've come to know and respect, and they will love you just as much as I do.
I know this doesn't make any sense now, but I promise it will when you're grown up and reading this letter 20 years from now.
Love you always and forever, S 10/12/2016