Japanese American Museum of San Jose Screening

Thank you to the wonderful volunteers of the San Jose Japanese American Museum as well as the audience who came out to spend their Saturday with Choz and I at the screening of Hibakusha for the 74th commemoration. It's been roughly two years since Kaz has passed, so it was cathartic for all of us to see and hear her story told through our medium.
Moments like this always have me reflect on why we did this film in the first place. Not only was it to honor Kaz and her beautiful story, but also remember the importance of forgiveness and gratitude for each day that we're given here on Earth. She lived an eventful 90-year life of happiness, humility and grace and treated everyone as if they were family.
Events without her by my side will not be the same, but I'm glad that her story was able to captivate so many people and that she trusted us with the responsibility of passing this message down to the next generation.